(As revised January, 2016)
The name of this organization shall be Hamilton County Retired Teachers Association. It shall be affiliated with Ohio Retired Teachers Association, the National Retired Teachers Association and the American Association of Retired Persons. They shall hereafter be referred to as HCRTA, ORTA, and NRTA/AARP.
The purpose of this nonprofit Association shall be to:
1. promote the social, professional, and economic status along with the dignity of retired teachers;
2. aid in the advancement of education and to help retired teachers maintain identity with the teaching profession;
3. support ORTA by the Association's membership and by assistance and cooperation in ORTA statewide activities with emphasis on local, state and regional meetings;
4. support ORTA by promoting individual memberships and appropriate legislative projects and programs of the Association:
5. support the NRTA/AARP by promoting individual memberships and appropriate legislative projects and programs of those Associations;
6. foster good fellowship among retired teachers;
7. encourage members to maintain interest and participation in educational, legislative and community activities.
Section 1. Active membership in HCRTA shall be open to the following provided they are receiving pensions from the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio:
1. retired teachers and administrators who have served in the public schools located in Hamilton County;
2. retired teachers and administrators from state and municipal colleges and universities located in Ohio;
3. retired teachers and administrators from other localities who have become residents of Hamilton County;
4. retired teachers and administrators who reside outside Hamilton County but who served a system within Hamilton County at the time of retirement.
Section 2. Associate membership shall be open to anyone interested in the purposes of HCRTA. This would include spouses of active members or deceased members. Upon payment of dues he/she shall become a member with all rights and privileges except the right to vote, hold office or represent the Association.
Section 3. The general membership shall meet the 2nd week of the months March, April, May, September, October, November and December.
Section 1. The officers of HCRTA shall be a President, a First Vice President, a Second Vice President, a President Elect, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer and the Immediate Past President. These officers plus the Trustee shall constitute the Executive Committee. Two- thirds of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
Section 2. The Board shall be composed of fifteen elected Directors, the Executive Committee, the Chairmen of Standing Committees, the Newsletter Editor and the Historian. Only elected members of the Board may vote. A majority of voting members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
Section 3. A Trustee elected by the membership shall represent the Association on the Board of ORTA. The Trustee shall serve as a member of the HCRTA Executive Committee.
Section 4. The standing committees of the Association shall be Legislative, Membership, Community Services, Informative and Protective Services, Retirement Planning, Public Relations, Nominations and Elections, Constitution and Bylaws, and Program. The chairmen of these committees shall be appointed annually by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee. The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, may appoint special committees as needed.
Section 5. The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint individuals to the following positions: a Historian, a Newsletter Editor, a Trips Coordinator, a Membership Coordinator and a Parliamentarian.
The Hamilton County Retired Teachers Association may be dissolved and placed in trust only after:
Section 1. An affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the elected Board,
Section 2. Thereafter, an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the total membership of the Hamilton County Retired Teachers casting a ballot,
Section 3. The Board must provide for a mailed ballot to all members with at least sixty days allowed for return,
Section 4. In the event of dissolution, whether voluntary or involuntary or by operation of law, the property and assets of the Hamilton County Retired Teachers Association shall be given a predetermined trust which the officers and directors have decided by a two-thirds vote. All property, assets and money shall remain in such trust and accumulate interest until such time as an official group of retired teachers of Hamilton County, with duly elected officers, and having a membership of not less than 100 members and organized under the original constitution as amended, will have the authority to have the property and assets and money returned to the HCRTA or its Hamilton County Retired Teachers replacement organization for their operational use. Such organization shall be an exempt organization under Section 501 (c) (4) of the Internal Revenue Code as amended.
No member or employee of the HCRTA shall receive, at any time, any earnings or pecuniary profit from the operation of the Association. Reasonable compensations shall be given for expenses of the Association in carrying out its purposes as fixed by the official Board and its officers.
The Board shall review any proposal to amend the constitution. Amendments approved by the Board shall be placed on a ballot which shall be distributed to members by means of a regular or special newsletter. Amendments may also be proposed from the floor at the May meeting of the Association and placed on the ballot by a majority affirmative vote. The return date for the ballot shall be at least 30 days after the mailing of the newsletter. A two-thirds vote is required for the passage of an amendment to the Constitution/Bylaws.
Section 1. The President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee, the Board and general meetings of the Association. The President shall, by January of each year, nominate for appointment the chairmen of all standing committees and special committees and all other appointees as required by this Constitution. The President shall serve as ex-officio on all committees except the Nominations and Election Committees. The President shall review and approve the budgeted expenditures of the association and with the Treasurer, prepare and recommend the annual budget of the Association to the Executive Committee. They shall secure an annual audit of the financial records of the Association. The President shall perform any and all such other duties as usually pertain to the office of President.
The President shall be bonded.
Section 2. The First Vice President. The First Vice President shall prepare to assume the duties of the President on any occasion when the President is unable to serve. The First Vice President shall serve as the Chairman of the Program Committee.
Section 3: The Second Vice President. The Second Vice President shall assume the duties of the President when both the President and the First Vice President are unable to serve. The Second Vice President shall serve as the Luncheon Coordinator. He/she may choose a committee to help with the organization of the luncheons, including menu selection, reservations, and coordination with the facility and staff. He/she will communicate luncheon information with the newsletter editor.
Section 4. The President Elect. The President Elect shall work closely with and understudy the job of the President and shall be prepared to assume the position of President at the end of the President's term of office.
Section 5. The Past President. The Past President shall serve as Chairman of the Nomination and Elections Committee.
Section 6. The Recording Secretary. The Recording Secretary shall take and maintain minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee, the Board and the Association, then mail copies of such minutes to the President no later than two weeks after such meetings. The Secretary shall forward copies of Executive Committee minutes to the Executive Committee and Board minutes to the Board ten days prior to the next scheduled meeting of the respective groups. The Secretary shall maintain files containing all past minutes, the Treasurer's reports, External Financial Review and Compilation reports and other such records as the President and Executive Committee determine should be kept. The Recording Secretary shall transfer minutes and other materials as directed to the Historian.
Section 8. The Corresponding Secretary. The Corresponding Secretary will carry on the correspondence of the Association as the President and/or Executive Committee may direct. This will include, but not be limited to: cards, notes and letters for illness, death, awards, commendations, etc.
Section 7. The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive all funds of the Association, deposit all such funds in a ank account in the name of the HCRTA, and shall keep records and accounts of all receipts. As directed by the President, and in accordance with the budget, the Treasurer shall disburse payments for all bills for the Association and shall keep records and accounts of the same. The Treasurer shall prepare and distribute at each meeting of the Executive Committee a written record of the transactions since the last meeting. In consultation with the President and the Executive Committee, the Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget of the Association for the next fiscal year to be presented at the January Executive Committee meeting. The Treasurer shall then present the Executive Committee-approved budget for approval at the January Board meeting. The Treasurer, with the President, shall arrange for the annual External Financial Review and Compilation of the Association. The Treasurer shall be bonded.
DUTIES OF Executive Committee, Board, Standing Committees and Appointments
Section 1. The Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall exercise executive authority for the HCRTA. It receives and acts upon recommendations from the Board, prepares policies, resolutions and agendas for Board meetings. It approves the annual budget and supervises the receipt and disbursal of funds as provided for in the constitution in order to carry out the mission of HCRTA. The Executive Committee is charged with overseeing the investment of funds and accounts of HCRTA as necessary and may hire and provide compensation for any persons deemed necessary for this function. The Executive Committee is given primary responsibility of implementing Article V and Article VI of the Constitution. The Executive Committee shall meet in January, March, May, August, September, November and December.
Section 2. The Board. The Board is the chief legislative and policy-making body of the HCRTA. It shall be responsive to the membership in suggesting and implementing policies and programs to carry out the purposes of the association. It shall act upon resolutions, policies and recommendations from the Executive Committee and approve the annual budget. The Board shall meet in January, March, May, August, September, November and December. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President or any three Board members.
Section 3. The Trustee. The elected Trustee shall represent HCRTA on the Board of ORTA. In cooperation with the ORTA District IV Director, the Trustee shall provide liaison between HCRTA and ORTA, and shall report and make recommendations which are designed to promote the aims, objectives and activities of those organizations and the HCRTA Board of Directors. The Trustee should work closely with the Legislative Committee.
Section 4. Standing Committees
a. The Membership Committee. The Membership Committee is responsible for recruiting, reclaiming former members and retaining current members. This Committee shall help in planning membership functions.
b. The Legislative Committee. The Legislative Committee should work closely with ORTA. It shall remain current with information and copies of legislation being considered by the legislative bodies and shall know the position of ORTA and other interested groups concerning legislation. It shall keep the HCRTA Board informed of legislation and shall encourage members to become informed in the legislative process and its results.
c. The Community Services Committee. The Community Services Committee shall publicize areas in which retired educators can contribute to the community for the benefit of the community and the educator. It may develop community-service programs and then encourage and assist retired educators to participate in a variety of ways.
d. The Informative and Protective Services Committee. The Informative and Protective Services Committee shall be a resource for retired educators, informing them of benefits, resources, scams and anything needed to help solve the financial and personal problems of retirement. It may recommend to the Board financial assistance for qualified recipients.
e. The Retirement Planning Committee. The Retirement Planning Committee shall make available to active teachers information on retirement planning, including the financial and psychological changes in retirement lifestyles. It should encourage them to become active in ORTA and HCRTA when retired.
f. The Public Relations Committee. The Public Relations Committee shall publicize the work and programs of HCRTA and its members. They shall cooperate with other groups and with the media to build good will for HCRTA and to publicize the work and awards of individual members.
g. The Nominations and Elections Committee. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall secure nominations for all offices and positions up for election, prepare ballots and conduct the election in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws. The Past President shall be chairman of the committee, and the President shall appoint four (4) other persons to serve on the committee. Two persons (2)
hall be Directors and two (2) from the general membership. The committee shall publicize in a newsletter, prior to the September meeting, the open positions and the responsibilities of each. The committee shall solicit and review candidates so that a slate with biographical sketches may be presented in the October newsletter.
h. The Constitution and Bylaws Committee. The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall be appointed and serve as needed to prepare recommended Constitutional and Bylaw changes as determined by the Board or as presented to the membership under the amendment process of the Constitution and Bylaws. The Committee shall, where directed, conduct and tabulate a vote on the amendments. This committee shall be chaired by the Parliamentarian.
i. The Program Committee. The Program Committee shall be chaired by the First Vice President. The committee shall be selected by the First Vice President and shall plan programs for the membership
on a yearly basis. The chairman is responsible for the publicity necessary to hold the meeting
and maintaining communications with the newsletter.
j. The Scholarship Committee shall consist of a chairman and four (4) members, two (2) from the Board and two (2) from the general membership of the HCRTA. The chairman shall be appointed for three (3) years and may be reappointed once, while the committee members shall be appointed on a rotating basis for two (2) years. The Committee shall select, in conjunction with the Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation, a recipient(s) of the scholarship(s) monies and pass this information onto the Executive Committee for final approval.
Section 5. Appointments
a. The Membership Coordinator. The Membership Coordinator shall be responsible for maintaining the membership file and providing the Executive Committee and Board with up-to-date directories of the membership. The Membership Coordinator shall notify members via the newsletter when dues are payable. The Membership Coordinator shall notify members when their dues are three months or more in arrears.
b. The Newsletter Editor. The Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for soliciting articles, editing, and
publishing a newsletter on a schedule approved by the Board.
c. The Trips Coordinator. The trips Coordinator shall be responsible for planning and implementing trips of all kinds that may be of interest to the membership. The Trips Coordinator shall maintain a close liaison with the Board in the suggestion, planning and implementation of trips. All funds collected and disbursed for trips shall be handled by the Treasurer. The Trips Coordinator, with the approval of the Board, may contract with travel agencies, hotels, restaurants, transportation, etc. in the implementation of the trips.
d. The Historian. The Historian shall be responsible for the HCRTA archives and memorabilia, including minutes of meetings, financial records and other items as directed by the Executive Committee. The Historian should also solicit and collect pictures and news article pertaining to HCRTA and its members. From time to time, the Historian should put articles in the newsletter informing the membership of the Association's history.
e. The Parliamentarian. A Parliamentarian may be appointed by the President. The job of Parliamentarian shall be to attend all meetings and see that proper parliamentarian procedures as defined in Robert's Rules of Order are followed. He/she shall chair the Constitution Bylaws Committee
Section 1. Nominations. Prior to the September meeting of the Association, the Nomination Committee shall cause to be printed in the newsletter all Executive Committee and Board vacancies to be filled at the next election with description of the duties of the positions. Nominations may be made from the floor at the September meeting. Nominations may be made prior to the September meeting by mail on a petition signed by 10 or more members in good standing of the Association. Nominations may be made by the Nominating Committee. Where possible, at least two candidates should be secured fro each vacancy. The Nominating Committee shall make every effort to secure a broad distribution of candidates for election from the active members listed in the constitution, Article III, Section 1.
Section 2. Qualifications. All candidates for office or a position on the Board must be members in good standing of HCRTA for a minimum of two years. Candidates for the First Vice President, Second Vice President and President Elect must have previous service in an office or on the Board either as an elected director or committee chairman. The qualifications for office of those nominated shall be checked by the Nominating Committee.
Section 3. Elections. The slate of candidates, together with a resume of their qualifications and a brief biographical sketch, shall be placed by the Nominating Committee in the October Newsletter and in a mailing to all voting members together with a ballot. One month or more shall be allowed for the return of
the ballots and the winners shall be announced at the November Board meeting. The new Board members and Officers, together with the outgoing Board members and Officers shall attend the December meeting of the Board for the purpose of organizing the new Board.
Section 1. Officers. The terms of all officers shall be two years except the office of President Elect which shall be for one year. The President Elect shall become President at the end of that term. Officers, except the President, Past President and President Elect, may be elected for two terms. The Treasurer may be nominated to additional two year terms with the approval of a two-thirds majority vote of the Board to place the name on the ballot. Elections for First Vice President and Treasurer shall be held in odd numbered years and for President Elect, Second Vice President, Corresponding Secretary and Recording Secretary and Trustee in even numbered years.
Section 2. Directors. The term of the office of Director shall be three years and Directors may be elected to two terms. Five Board members shall be elected each year.
Section 3. Trustee. The term of office for the Trustee is two years and the Trustee may be elected for a second term. Trustees are elected in even numbered years.
Section 4. Terms of office shall begin January 1 and end December 31.
Section 5. Vacancy in Office. If the President shall be unable to complete his/her elected term, the order of succession for the President shall be Vice President, the Past President and the Secretary. Vacancies of other Officer and Board positions shall be filled by the Executive Committee until the next schedule election for that office. Those picked should be fully qualified for the position.
Section 1. Membership. All eligible persons shall become members of HCRTA upon payment of dues.
Section 2. Golden Apple Membership. The designation of "Golden Apple Member" shall be conferred upon members after twenty years of membership or the attainment of the age of eighty, whichever comes first. At age eighty, members shall be exempt from further payment of dues.
Section 3. Dues. The dues of the association shall be $3.00 for annual Active and Associate members. A one-time payment for Active and Associate life memberships shall be $30.00. Dues are payable by December 31 of each year. Those whose dues are six months in arrears shall be dropped from active membership.
Section 4. Dual Membership in HCRTA and ORTA. All potential and active members of HCRTA are strongly
encouraged to join the Ohio Retired Teachers Association (ORTA) and maintain dual membership in both
both HCRTA and ORTA. The Membership Chairperson will facilitate and support dual membership by
encouraging and soliciting ORTA membership, collecting annual ORTA dues and submitting appropriate
membership records to ORTA.
The fiscal administrative year shall extend from January 1 to December 31.
The Board shall review any proposal to amend the bylaws. Amendments approved by the Board shall be placed on a ballot which shall be distributed to active members by means of a regular or special newsletter. Amendments may also be proposed from the floor of the May meeting of the Association and placed on the ballot by a majority affirmative vote of those present. The return date for the ballot shall be at least 30 days after the mailing of the newsletter. A majority of the votes cast is required for passage of an Amendment to the Bylaws.
(As revised January, 2016)
The name of this organization shall be Hamilton County Retired Teachers Association. It shall be affiliated with Ohio Retired Teachers Association, the National Retired Teachers Association and the American Association of Retired Persons. They shall hereafter be referred to as HCRTA, ORTA, and NRTA/AARP.
The purpose of this nonprofit Association shall be to:
1. promote the social, professional, and economic status along with the dignity of retired teachers;
2. aid in the advancement of education and to help retired teachers maintain identity with the teaching profession;
3. support ORTA by the Association's membership and by assistance and cooperation in ORTA statewide activities with emphasis on local, state and regional meetings;
4. support ORTA by promoting individual memberships and appropriate legislative projects and programs of the Association:
5. support the NRTA/AARP by promoting individual memberships and appropriate legislative projects and programs of those Associations;
6. foster good fellowship among retired teachers;
7. encourage members to maintain interest and participation in educational, legislative and community activities.
Section 1. Active membership in HCRTA shall be open to the following provided they are receiving pensions from the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio:
1. retired teachers and administrators who have served in the public schools located in Hamilton County;
2. retired teachers and administrators from state and municipal colleges and universities located in Ohio;
3. retired teachers and administrators from other localities who have become residents of Hamilton County;
4. retired teachers and administrators who reside outside Hamilton County but who served a system within Hamilton County at the time of retirement.
Section 2. Associate membership shall be open to anyone interested in the purposes of HCRTA. This would include spouses of active members or deceased members. Upon payment of dues he/she shall become a member with all rights and privileges except the right to vote, hold office or represent the Association.
Section 3. The general membership shall meet the 2nd week of the months March, April, May, September, October, November and December.
Section 1. The officers of HCRTA shall be a President, a First Vice President, a Second Vice President, a President Elect, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer and the Immediate Past President. These officers plus the Trustee shall constitute the Executive Committee. Two- thirds of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
Section 2. The Board shall be composed of fifteen elected Directors, the Executive Committee, the Chairmen of Standing Committees, the Newsletter Editor and the Historian. Only elected members of the Board may vote. A majority of voting members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
Section 3. A Trustee elected by the membership shall represent the Association on the Board of ORTA. The Trustee shall serve as a member of the HCRTA Executive Committee.
Section 4. The standing committees of the Association shall be Legislative, Membership, Community Services, Informative and Protective Services, Retirement Planning, Public Relations, Nominations and Elections, Constitution and Bylaws, and Program. The chairmen of these committees shall be appointed annually by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee. The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, may appoint special committees as needed.
Section 5. The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint individuals to the following positions: a Historian, a Newsletter Editor, a Trips Coordinator, a Membership Coordinator and a Parliamentarian.
The Hamilton County Retired Teachers Association may be dissolved and placed in trust only after:
Section 1. An affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the elected Board,
Section 2. Thereafter, an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the total membership of the Hamilton County Retired Teachers casting a ballot,
Section 3. The Board must provide for a mailed ballot to all members with at least sixty days allowed for return,
Section 4. In the event of dissolution, whether voluntary or involuntary or by operation of law, the property and assets of the Hamilton County Retired Teachers Association shall be given a predetermined trust which the officers and directors have decided by a two-thirds vote. All property, assets and money shall remain in such trust and accumulate interest until such time as an official group of retired teachers of Hamilton County, with duly elected officers, and having a membership of not less than 100 members and organized under the original constitution as amended, will have the authority to have the property and assets and money returned to the HCRTA or its Hamilton County Retired Teachers replacement organization for their operational use. Such organization shall be an exempt organization under Section 501 (c) (4) of the Internal Revenue Code as amended.
No member or employee of the HCRTA shall receive, at any time, any earnings or pecuniary profit from the operation of the Association. Reasonable compensations shall be given for expenses of the Association in carrying out its purposes as fixed by the official Board and its officers.
The Board shall review any proposal to amend the constitution. Amendments approved by the Board shall be placed on a ballot which shall be distributed to members by means of a regular or special newsletter. Amendments may also be proposed from the floor at the May meeting of the Association and placed on the ballot by a majority affirmative vote. The return date for the ballot shall be at least 30 days after the mailing of the newsletter. A two-thirds vote is required for the passage of an amendment to the Constitution/Bylaws.
Section 1. The President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee, the Board and general meetings of the Association. The President shall, by January of each year, nominate for appointment the chairmen of all standing committees and special committees and all other appointees as required by this Constitution. The President shall serve as ex-officio on all committees except the Nominations and Election Committees. The President shall review and approve the budgeted expenditures of the association and with the Treasurer, prepare and recommend the annual budget of the Association to the Executive Committee. They shall secure an annual audit of the financial records of the Association. The President shall perform any and all such other duties as usually pertain to the office of President.
The President shall be bonded.
Section 2. The First Vice President. The First Vice President shall prepare to assume the duties of the President on any occasion when the President is unable to serve. The First Vice President shall serve as the Chairman of the Program Committee.
Section 3: The Second Vice President. The Second Vice President shall assume the duties of the President when both the President and the First Vice President are unable to serve. The Second Vice President shall serve as the Luncheon Coordinator. He/she may choose a committee to help with the organization of the luncheons, including menu selection, reservations, and coordination with the facility and staff. He/she will communicate luncheon information with the newsletter editor.
Section 4. The President Elect. The President Elect shall work closely with and understudy the job of the President and shall be prepared to assume the position of President at the end of the President's term of office.
Section 5. The Past President. The Past President shall serve as Chairman of the Nomination and Elections Committee.
Section 6. The Recording Secretary. The Recording Secretary shall take and maintain minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee, the Board and the Association, then mail copies of such minutes to the President no later than two weeks after such meetings. The Secretary shall forward copies of Executive Committee minutes to the Executive Committee and Board minutes to the Board ten days prior to the next scheduled meeting of the respective groups. The Secretary shall maintain files containing all past minutes, the Treasurer's reports, External Financial Review and Compilation reports and other such records as the President and Executive Committee determine should be kept. The Recording Secretary shall transfer minutes and other materials as directed to the Historian.
Section 8. The Corresponding Secretary. The Corresponding Secretary will carry on the correspondence of the Association as the President and/or Executive Committee may direct. This will include, but not be limited to: cards, notes and letters for illness, death, awards, commendations, etc.
Section 7. The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive all funds of the Association, deposit all such funds in a ank account in the name of the HCRTA, and shall keep records and accounts of all receipts. As directed by the President, and in accordance with the budget, the Treasurer shall disburse payments for all bills for the Association and shall keep records and accounts of the same. The Treasurer shall prepare and distribute at each meeting of the Executive Committee a written record of the transactions since the last meeting. In consultation with the President and the Executive Committee, the Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget of the Association for the next fiscal year to be presented at the January Executive Committee meeting. The Treasurer shall then present the Executive Committee-approved budget for approval at the January Board meeting. The Treasurer, with the President, shall arrange for the annual External Financial Review and Compilation of the Association. The Treasurer shall be bonded.
DUTIES OF Executive Committee, Board, Standing Committees and Appointments
Section 1. The Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall exercise executive authority for the HCRTA. It receives and acts upon recommendations from the Board, prepares policies, resolutions and agendas for Board meetings. It approves the annual budget and supervises the receipt and disbursal of funds as provided for in the constitution in order to carry out the mission of HCRTA. The Executive Committee is charged with overseeing the investment of funds and accounts of HCRTA as necessary and may hire and provide compensation for any persons deemed necessary for this function. The Executive Committee is given primary responsibility of implementing Article V and Article VI of the Constitution. The Executive Committee shall meet in January, March, May, August, September, November and December.
Section 2. The Board. The Board is the chief legislative and policy-making body of the HCRTA. It shall be responsive to the membership in suggesting and implementing policies and programs to carry out the purposes of the association. It shall act upon resolutions, policies and recommendations from the Executive Committee and approve the annual budget. The Board shall meet in January, March, May, August, September, November and December. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President or any three Board members.
Section 3. The Trustee. The elected Trustee shall represent HCRTA on the Board of ORTA. In cooperation with the ORTA District IV Director, the Trustee shall provide liaison between HCRTA and ORTA, and shall report and make recommendations which are designed to promote the aims, objectives and activities of those organizations and the HCRTA Board of Directors. The Trustee should work closely with the Legislative Committee.
Section 4. Standing Committees
a. The Membership Committee. The Membership Committee is responsible for recruiting, reclaiming former members and retaining current members. This Committee shall help in planning membership functions.
b. The Legislative Committee. The Legislative Committee should work closely with ORTA. It shall remain current with information and copies of legislation being considered by the legislative bodies and shall know the position of ORTA and other interested groups concerning legislation. It shall keep the HCRTA Board informed of legislation and shall encourage members to become informed in the legislative process and its results.
c. The Community Services Committee. The Community Services Committee shall publicize areas in which retired educators can contribute to the community for the benefit of the community and the educator. It may develop community-service programs and then encourage and assist retired educators to participate in a variety of ways.
d. The Informative and Protective Services Committee. The Informative and Protective Services Committee shall be a resource for retired educators, informing them of benefits, resources, scams and anything needed to help solve the financial and personal problems of retirement. It may recommend to the Board financial assistance for qualified recipients.
e. The Retirement Planning Committee. The Retirement Planning Committee shall make available to active teachers information on retirement planning, including the financial and psychological changes in retirement lifestyles. It should encourage them to become active in ORTA and HCRTA when retired.
f. The Public Relations Committee. The Public Relations Committee shall publicize the work and programs of HCRTA and its members. They shall cooperate with other groups and with the media to build good will for HCRTA and to publicize the work and awards of individual members.
g. The Nominations and Elections Committee. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall secure nominations for all offices and positions up for election, prepare ballots and conduct the election in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws. The Past President shall be chairman of the committee, and the President shall appoint four (4) other persons to serve on the committee. Two persons (2)
hall be Directors and two (2) from the general membership. The committee shall publicize in a newsletter, prior to the September meeting, the open positions and the responsibilities of each. The committee shall solicit and review candidates so that a slate with biographical sketches may be presented in the October newsletter.
h. The Constitution and Bylaws Committee. The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall be appointed and serve as needed to prepare recommended Constitutional and Bylaw changes as determined by the Board or as presented to the membership under the amendment process of the Constitution and Bylaws. The Committee shall, where directed, conduct and tabulate a vote on the amendments. This committee shall be chaired by the Parliamentarian.
i. The Program Committee. The Program Committee shall be chaired by the First Vice President. The committee shall be selected by the First Vice President and shall plan programs for the membership
on a yearly basis. The chairman is responsible for the publicity necessary to hold the meeting
and maintaining communications with the newsletter.
j. The Scholarship Committee shall consist of a chairman and four (4) members, two (2) from the Board and two (2) from the general membership of the HCRTA. The chairman shall be appointed for three (3) years and may be reappointed once, while the committee members shall be appointed on a rotating basis for two (2) years. The Committee shall select, in conjunction with the Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation, a recipient(s) of the scholarship(s) monies and pass this information onto the Executive Committee for final approval.
Section 5. Appointments
a. The Membership Coordinator. The Membership Coordinator shall be responsible for maintaining the membership file and providing the Executive Committee and Board with up-to-date directories of the membership. The Membership Coordinator shall notify members via the newsletter when dues are payable. The Membership Coordinator shall notify members when their dues are three months or more in arrears.
b. The Newsletter Editor. The Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for soliciting articles, editing, and
publishing a newsletter on a schedule approved by the Board.
c. The Trips Coordinator. The trips Coordinator shall be responsible for planning and implementing trips of all kinds that may be of interest to the membership. The Trips Coordinator shall maintain a close liaison with the Board in the suggestion, planning and implementation of trips. All funds collected and disbursed for trips shall be handled by the Treasurer. The Trips Coordinator, with the approval of the Board, may contract with travel agencies, hotels, restaurants, transportation, etc. in the implementation of the trips.
d. The Historian. The Historian shall be responsible for the HCRTA archives and memorabilia, including minutes of meetings, financial records and other items as directed by the Executive Committee. The Historian should also solicit and collect pictures and news article pertaining to HCRTA and its members. From time to time, the Historian should put articles in the newsletter informing the membership of the Association's history.
e. The Parliamentarian. A Parliamentarian may be appointed by the President. The job of Parliamentarian shall be to attend all meetings and see that proper parliamentarian procedures as defined in Robert's Rules of Order are followed. He/she shall chair the Constitution Bylaws Committee
Section 1. Nominations. Prior to the September meeting of the Association, the Nomination Committee shall cause to be printed in the newsletter all Executive Committee and Board vacancies to be filled at the next election with description of the duties of the positions. Nominations may be made from the floor at the September meeting. Nominations may be made prior to the September meeting by mail on a petition signed by 10 or more members in good standing of the Association. Nominations may be made by the Nominating Committee. Where possible, at least two candidates should be secured fro each vacancy. The Nominating Committee shall make every effort to secure a broad distribution of candidates for election from the active members listed in the constitution, Article III, Section 1.
Section 2. Qualifications. All candidates for office or a position on the Board must be members in good standing of HCRTA for a minimum of two years. Candidates for the First Vice President, Second Vice President and President Elect must have previous service in an office or on the Board either as an elected director or committee chairman. The qualifications for office of those nominated shall be checked by the Nominating Committee.
Section 3. Elections. The slate of candidates, together with a resume of their qualifications and a brief biographical sketch, shall be placed by the Nominating Committee in the October Newsletter and in a mailing to all voting members together with a ballot. One month or more shall be allowed for the return of
the ballots and the winners shall be announced at the November Board meeting. The new Board members and Officers, together with the outgoing Board members and Officers shall attend the December meeting of the Board for the purpose of organizing the new Board.
Section 1. Officers. The terms of all officers shall be two years except the office of President Elect which shall be for one year. The President Elect shall become President at the end of that term. Officers, except the President, Past President and President Elect, may be elected for two terms. The Treasurer may be nominated to additional two year terms with the approval of a two-thirds majority vote of the Board to place the name on the ballot. Elections for First Vice President and Treasurer shall be held in odd numbered years and for President Elect, Second Vice President, Corresponding Secretary and Recording Secretary and Trustee in even numbered years.
Section 2. Directors. The term of the office of Director shall be three years and Directors may be elected to two terms. Five Board members shall be elected each year.
Section 3. Trustee. The term of office for the Trustee is two years and the Trustee may be elected for a second term. Trustees are elected in even numbered years.
Section 4. Terms of office shall begin January 1 and end December 31.
Section 5. Vacancy in Office. If the President shall be unable to complete his/her elected term, the order of succession for the President shall be Vice President, the Past President and the Secretary. Vacancies of other Officer and Board positions shall be filled by the Executive Committee until the next schedule election for that office. Those picked should be fully qualified for the position.
Section 1. Membership. All eligible persons shall become members of HCRTA upon payment of dues.
Section 2. Golden Apple Membership. The designation of "Golden Apple Member" shall be conferred upon members after twenty years of membership or the attainment of the age of eighty, whichever comes first. At age eighty, members shall be exempt from further payment of dues.
Section 3. Dues. The dues of the association shall be $3.00 for annual Active and Associate members. A one-time payment for Active and Associate life memberships shall be $30.00. Dues are payable by December 31 of each year. Those whose dues are six months in arrears shall be dropped from active membership.
Section 4. Dual Membership in HCRTA and ORTA. All potential and active members of HCRTA are strongly
encouraged to join the Ohio Retired Teachers Association (ORTA) and maintain dual membership in both
both HCRTA and ORTA. The Membership Chairperson will facilitate and support dual membership by
encouraging and soliciting ORTA membership, collecting annual ORTA dues and submitting appropriate
membership records to ORTA.
The fiscal administrative year shall extend from January 1 to December 31.
The Board shall review any proposal to amend the bylaws. Amendments approved by the Board shall be placed on a ballot which shall be distributed to active members by means of a regular or special newsletter. Amendments may also be proposed from the floor of the May meeting of the Association and placed on the ballot by a majority affirmative vote of those present. The return date for the ballot shall be at least 30 days after the mailing of the newsletter. A majority of the votes cast is required for passage of an Amendment to the Bylaws.